Director, National Visualization and Analytics Center Fellow of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Visual Analytics: a Grand Challenge in Science - Turning Information Overload into the Opportunity of the Decade
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We are in the midst of a major change in the requirements for
visualization technologies. The issues posed by information
overload goes beyond what is provided by traditional scientific
and information visualization. These new requirements
will drive an emerging research and development agenda
including aspects from both scientific and information visualization
with a published starting point developed by a team
of 40 renowned scientists and hopeful end users: Illuminating
the Path: the Research and Development Agenda for Visual
Analytics, The history of visualization
has been dominated by the invention and effective delivery of
technology and products around visual metaphorsusually
with a single metaphor such as flow fields, a tree or spherical
visual per product. The recent focus on devices such as
caves, walls, tables, tablets and PDAs has offered new physical
forms of display. However, people using these metaphors and
devices are simply drowning in information and require a fundamentally
new approach to visualization and interaction. The
interaction, whether in the area of genomics, finance, communications,
or homeland security, must be driven by a discourse
for discovery and engaged learning. I will use the term Visual
Analytics to represent a vision for suites of technologies that
provide a new approach to interaction and allow a discourse
for discovery. Early technology and products are being used
today having a real impact in health related drug discovery
and national security. Learning from those usages and deployments,
I will present the driving new characteristics of interaction
and suggest the top technical challenges for visual
analytics, enlisting comments and recommendations.
Jim Thomas is a PNNL Lab Fellow and Chief Scientist for
Information Technologies at Battelle Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory with over 30 years of experience. He now is Director
of the Department of Homeland Security founded National
Visual Analytics Center. His responsibilities at Battelle include
establishing investment directions for Information Technology
(IT), representing IT inside and outside the lab, leading major
technology initiatives, mentoring staff, and being a PI on
several major programs. He specializes in the research, design,
and implementation of innovative information and scientific
visualization, multimedia, and human computer interaction
technology; however, he has a broad working knowledge
of information technology. Some of the recent technologies
developed have set a new stage for the visualization of
masses of multimedia information sources with several publications,
patents, with recent publications being widely referenced
and re-printed. More recently he has led teams in text,
numerical, image and video analysis for massive information
spaces. He has received several international science awards
including Top 100 Scientific Innovators (Science Digest) and
twice the Research and Development's Industrial Research
100 Significant Scientific and Industry Accomplishments Top
100 Innovators in Science and Industry. In addition, twice he
was awarded the Federal Laboratories Consortium Technology
Transfer Award for innovation in transferring research technology
to industry and universities. In addition Thomas served as
2003 and 2004 IEEE Visualization Conference Co-Chair, Chair
ACM SIGGRAPH 1987-1992, 1998-2002 Editor-In-Chief for
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Founder of ACM
User Interface Science and Technology Conference, and has
over 120 publications and sits on several advisory boards.