Hotel information: The Minneapolis Hilton is SOLD OUT! Please refer to the Vis2005 page on hotels for locations and phone numbers of other hotels nearby the conference venue. We also have available transport and travel directions from and to the airport and around Minneapolis.
Registration: Preregistration has ended. Please register on site.

We thank all who submitted papers, posters and contest entries for InfoVis 2005, the eleventh annual IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization. InfoVis is the primary meeting in the field of information visualization, and is held in conjunction with the IEEE Visualization 2005 (Vis05) conference in Minneapolis, MN.

Computer-based information visualization, or "infovis", centers around helping people explore or explain data through systems that include static or interactive visual representations. The central design challenge in infovis is designing a cognitively useful spatial mapping of a dataset that is not inherently spatial. There are many possible visual encodings, only a fraction of which are helpful for a given task. We draw on the intellectual history of several traditions, including computer graphics, human-computer interaction, cognitive psychology, semiotics, graphic design, statistical graphics, cartography, and art. The synthesis of relevant ideas from these fields is critical for keeping pace with the torrents of data that confront us all.

General Symposium Chair:
Keith Andrews, Graz University of Technology

Program Chair, Vis05 Liason:
Pak Chung Wong, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Papers Chairs:
Matt Ward, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
John Stasko, Georgia Tech

Co-located with Infovis 2005 are:

Vis 2005 IEEE Visualization Conference
October 23 - 28, 2005
VisSEC 2005 Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security
October 26, 2005

Important Dates

February 1, 2005 Contest datasets released
April 10, 2005 Paper abstracts due
April 20, 2005 Papers due
Vis Tutorial Submissions Due
June 20, 2005 Paper acceptances announced
June 30, 2005 Poster entries due
Video entries due
July 15, 2005 Contest entries due
TBD, July, 2005 Camera-ready papers due
TBD, August 2005 Contest and poster acceptances announced
TBD, August 2005 Camera-ready contest and poster due