[Infovis] IEEEVIS Workshop on Sustainable Practices within Visualization and Physicalization

Georgia Panagiotidou panagiotidou.georgia at protonmail.com
Wed Jun 19 10:01:37 CEST 2024

Just a few more days left to submit your ideas/provocations/designs to the VISions of the Future: Sustainable Practices within Visualization and Physicalization workshop! 

Join us at IEEEVIS 2024 on Oct 14 in Florida where we will weave together two disparate strands of ‘what can visualization do for climate research’ and ‘what can sustainability research teach the field of visualization’ into a coherent sustainability agenda for the field of Visualization broadly.

Submission deadline: July 1st
Submission type: 2-4 paper/pictorial/provocation

Submission details and more information: https://visionsofthefuture.github.io

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