[Infovis] CFP: SSCI 25, Norway. CITREX Symposium on Explainable, Responsible, and Trustworthy CI

avellido at cs.upc.edu avellido at cs.upc.edu
Fri Jul 26 11:35:15 CEST 2024

* apologies for cross-posting*

**IEEESymposium on Explainable, Responsible, and Trustworthy CI (IEEE CITREx)**

**2025 IEEE Symposium Series on ComputationalIntelligence(SSCI)**

17-20 March 2025 - Trondheim, Norway 




The development ofexplainable, responsible, and trustworthy computational intelligence (CI) andartificial intelligence (AI) is crucial for transparency, accountability, anduser confidence. By ensuring AI/CI systems are understandable, monitored, andreliable, we can make decisions that comply with regulations and ethicalprinciples, thereby reducing risks and biases. This empowers users to engagewith these technologies confidently, promoting a harmonious integration of AIinto daily life.

This symposium aimsto discuss the ethical principles governing AI/CI technology in light ofcurrent regulatory efforts and the impact on operators, users, andstakeholders. It will explore how to make AI/CI decisions clear and interpretableto enhance transparency and trust. Additionally, the symposium will addressbalancing technological ecological footprints with economic benefits, managingautomation's workforce impact, protecting privacy, and the legal implicationsof AI/CI in autonomous systems among some other topics of interest https://ieee-ssci.org/?ui=trustworthy-explainable-and-responsible-ci . 

IEEE SSCI is widelyrecognized for cultivating the interchange of state-of-the-art theories andsophisticated algorithms within the broad realm of Computational IntelligenceApplications. The Symposia provide for cross-pollination of research concepts,fostering an environment that facilitates future inter and intracollaborations. 

IMPORTANT DATES https://ieee-ssci.org/?ui=important-dates 

      Titleand Abstract Submission: **10th Sept, 2024**

      Full/ShortPapers Submission: **17th Sept, 2024**

KEYNOTE SPEAKERS  https://ieee-ssci.org/?ui=plenary-and-keynote-sessions 

·      **Keeley Crockett** (Manchester MetropolitanUniversity and Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee SHIELD: Ethical, Legal,Social, Environmental and Human Dimensions of AI/CI)- Physical Intelligence ofSmall-scale Robots

·      **Metin Sitti** (President and Professor ofKoç University, Istanbul) - Social Robots and LLMs: a step towards to behavemore human like

·      **Nadia Magnenat Thalmann** (Research Directorof MIRALab, University of Geneva, Switzerland)

We are looking forward to seeing you in Trondheim!

Alfredo Vellido, IEEE CITREx Symposium Chair, onbehalf of organizing committee

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