[Infovis] Conferences: CFP: ACM SAP 2023

IEEE VR Publicity ieeevrpublicity at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 21:34:23 CET 2023

Dear colleagues,

The *ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (ACM SAP)* provides an intimate
forum for researchers who combine knowledge, methods, and insights from
perception research and computer science disciplines. ACM SAP 2023 will be
held *in person *in Los Angeles, California on *August 5th and 6th*,
immediately prior to the 50th International Conference and Exhibition on
Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH).

We welcome submissions in all areas of applied perception, including all
sensory modalities (vision, haptics, acoustics, proprioception, etc.) Both
short and long papers of up to 4 pages and 8 pages respectively (not
including references or appendices) may be submitted. Additional details
can be found here: http://sap.acm.org/2023/

*Submission deadlines*
April 14th: Abstract submission
April 21st: Paper submission
May 19th: Notifications
May 28th: Camera-ready version due for SAP papers

*Invited ACM TAP Journal Publication*. Under an agreement with
the ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) and the ACM Publications
Board, the strongest accepted papers will be offered publication as full
papers in the ACM journal TAP (instead of appearing in the proceedings)
after an additional review cycle.

*Topics of interest*
Specific topics of interest include:

* Application of perceptual research to any area of computer science,
including but not limited to:
    * modeling, rendering, animation;
    * virtual environments, characters, avatars;
    * processing information from artificial sensors;
    * representation of data, communication of data, interaction with data;

* Applications of computer science to any area of perception, including but
not limited to:
    * perceptually motivated algorithms (e.g. foveated rendering, image and
video compression, tone mapping);
    * perceptual topics in displays (luminance, contrast, depth perception,
frame rate);
    * modeling natural perceptual systems;
    * simulating natural perceptual systems.

* Emerging topics such as animal perception, privacy, and security, novel
sensors, studies that combine perception and computing research toward
applications to healthcare, deep space exploration, cultural and ecological
preservation, etc.

We are looking forward to your contributions.

*Program Chairs*
Alex Chapiro, Meta, USA, achapiro at meta.com
Andrew Robb, Clemson University, USA, arobb at clemson.edu

*Conference Chairs*Funda Durupinar, UMass Boston, USA,
funda.durupinarbabur at umb.edu
Qi Sun, New York University, USA, qisun at nyu.edu
*Poster Chair*
Lauren Buck, Trinity College, Ireland, buckl at tcd.ie
[image: beacon]

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