[Infovis] IEEE VGTC Election Result

Paul Rosen prosen at usf.edu
Fri Dec 17 20:51:05 CET 2021

Dear VGTC community,

I’m happy to announce that Bongshin Lee has been elected to be the next chair of the IEEE VGTC. Bongshin will shadow the current VGTC chair, Jim Ahrens, until officially taking over in July 2022.

We thank both Bongshin and Victoria for their willingness to lead the VGTC community and Jim for his leadership in recent years. Finally, we also thank all of those VGTC members who voted.

If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know. To learn more about the Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee, please visit http://vgtc.org/.

Paul (on behalf of the VGTC)

Paul Rosen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Computer Science and Engineering
University of South Florida
prosen at usf.edu<mailto:prosen at usf.edu>

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