[Infovis] evaluation of the visual approach to detect connections in a dataset?

Clement Levallois clementlevallois at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 11:24:32 CET 2012

Dear list members,

I am looking for papers discussing if / how visualization helps detecting
connections in a dataset.
For instance, a discussion of how fast / accurately the most connected
actor is detected in a dataset of relations in a social network, when this
dataset is presented as a visual network as compared to just showing the
raw, numerical source (this is just an example, I'd be interested in papers
discussing similar situations as well).



Clement Levallois, PhD
Erasmus University Rotterdam
The Netherlands

pro website<http://www.erim.eur.nl/ERIM/People/Person_Details?p_aff_id=4321>
 / personal website <http://www.clementlevallois.net/>

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