[Infovis] 2024 IEEE Workshop on Uncertainty Visualization: October 13, 2024, in St. Pete Beach, Florida

Athawale, Tushar athawaletm at ornl.gov
Tue May 14 18:51:50 CEST 2024

2024 IEEE Workshop on "Uncertainty Visualization: Applications, Techniques, Software, and Decision Frameworks, " October 13, 2024, in St. Pete Beach, Florida

Tushar Athawale and David Pugmire from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, along with Chris Johnson and Paul Rosen from the University of Utah and Kristi Potter from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, are excited to announce the IEEE workshop on “Uncertainty Visualization: Applications, Techniques, Software, and Decision Frameworks,” to be held in conjunction with the 2024 IEEE VIS Conference in St. Pete Beach, Florida, October 13-18, 2024.

Uncertainty in data, algorithms, and processes is a big challenge faced in every domain. This workshop's call for participation is accepting short/full-length papers and posters on topics related to uncertainty visualization, analysis, and treatment in a broad range of domains (e.g., visualization, machine learning, climate science, quantum computing) for trusted scientific discovery. Relevant topics include (but are not limited to):
   • Applications: Domains-specific use cases for uncertainty visualization and analysis of scientific or information data with domains including but not limited to climate science, energy science, material science, quantum computing, and machine learning.
   • Techniques: Techniques to quantify and convey uncertainty in 2D/3D/high-dimensional (scientific or information) data. These cover a broad range of concepts, including but not limited to statistics, machine learning, computing, rendering, perception, and cognition that are fundamental to uncertainty.
   • Software and tools: Uncertainty visualization software or tools to convey the uncertainty in general or application-specific scientific or information data.
   • Decision frameworks: Methods, workflows, and application use cases for robust decision-making under uncertainty.

The submission deadline is June 26, 2024.

More information in the link below:

𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩 𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞: https://tusharathawale.github.io/UncertaintyVis-Workshop/<https://urldefense.us/v2/url?u=https-3A__tusharathawale.github.io_UncertaintyVis-2DWorkshop_&d=DwMFaQ&c=v4IIwRuZAmwupIjowmMWUmLasxPEgYsgNI-O7C4ViYc&r=xxWmfVxm1qE2rK-Uhe99TGyzz9ARSxFRM3ceVR8XmEs&m=mMyQT5xFKDbi1LLQFNeYS427kNqMeznOxY8p53sIktP32zCxLGJdhm8DMK-DUnM-&s=JmZxdFRx-QO5qgSFsrtmaQeqr19lSp_WyHGo6Sc1wy0&e=>
VIS workshop 𝐰𝐞𝐛page: https://ieeevis.org/year/2024/info/workshops#uncertaintyvis<https://urldefense.us/v2/url?u=https-3A__ieeevis.org_year_2024_info_workshops-23uncertaintyvis&d=DwMFaQ&c=v4IIwRuZAmwupIjowmMWUmLasxPEgYsgNI-O7C4ViYc&r=xxWmfVxm1qE2rK-Uhe99TGyzz9ARSxFRM3ceVR8XmEs&m=mMyQT5xFKDbi1LLQFNeYS427kNqMeznOxY8p53sIktP32zCxLGJdhm8DMK-DUnM-&s=B0g8uEZPuOWYLCJjqkkX6Td2JyLWmnZdXMJW5H0SKqU&e=>
Contact: uncertainty-vis at ieeevis.org<mailto:uncertainty-vis at ieeevis.org>, uncertaintyvis-chairs at googlegroups.com<mailto:uncertaintyvis-chairs at googlegroups.com><mailto:uncertaintyvis-chairs at googlegroups.com>

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