[Infovis] [Deadline Extension] BigVis 2024 :: 7th Big Data Visual Exploration & Analytics Workshop, VLDB 2024, Guangzhou, China

Nikos Bikakis bikakis at athenarc.gr
Mon May 13 14:58:05 CEST 2024

   ****Deadline extension: May 31, 2024 (AoE)****

Call for Papers

BigVis 2024 | 7th International Workshop on Big Data Visual Exploration and Analytics
   50th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2024)
   August 29 2024, Guangzhou, China

Held in conjunction with the 50th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2024), Guangzhou, China.

Information Visualization has been one of the cornerstones of Data Science, turning the abundance of Big Data being produced through modern systems into actionable knowledge. Indeed, the Big Data era 
has realized the availability of voluminous datasets that are dynamic, multidimensional, noisy and heterogeneous in nature. Transforming a data-curious user into someone who can access and analyze 
that data is even more burdensome now for a great number of users with little or no support and expertise on the data processing part.

In this context, several traditional problems from Data Management & Mining, Information Visualization, and Human-computer Interaction communities, such as efficient data storage, querying, and 
indexing to enable visual analytics, as well as new ways and AI techniques for visual presentation of massive data, need to be revisited. For instance, techniques that provide mechanisms for 
information abstraction, prefetching, sampling, progressive data visualization, and summarization to address problems related to visual information overplotting. Furthermore, it is essential to 
develop new methods that enhance user comprehension by providing customization options tailored to various user-defined exploration scenarios and preferences.

The Big Data Visual Exploration and Analytics workshop (BigVis) aims at addressing the above challenges and issues by providing a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss, exchange, and 
disseminate their work. BigVis attempts to attract attention from the research areas of: Data Management & Mining, Information Visualization, Human-Computer Interaction, Machine Learning, and Computer 
Graphics, and highlight novel works that bridge together these communities.

The BigVis 2024 held in conjunction with the 50th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2024), Guangzhou, China.

Workshop Topics
In the context of visual exploration and analytics, topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  - Visualization, exploration & analytics techniques for various data types; e.g., stream, graph, unstructured
  - Human-in-the-loop processing
  - Human-centered databases
  - Data modeling, storage, indexing, caching, prefetching & query processing for interactive applications
  - Interactive & human-centered machine learning
  - Interactive data mining
  - User-oriented visualization; e.g., recommendation, assistance, personalization
  - Visualization & knowledge; e.g., storytelling
  - Progressive analytics
  - Novel interface & interaction paradigms
  - Visual representation techniques; e.g., aggregation, sampling, multi-level, filtering
  - Analytics in the fields of scholarly data, digital libraries, multimedia, scientific data, social data, etc.
  - Immersive visualization
  - Interactive computer graphics
  - High performance, distributed & parallel techniques
  - Visualization hardware & acceleration techniques
  - Linked Data & ontologies visualization
  - Benchmarks for data visualization & analytics
  - Case & user studies
  - Systems & tools

   Regular/Short Research papers [up to 8/4 pages]
   Work-in-progress papers [up to 4 pages]
   Vision papers [up to 4 pages]
   Demo papers [up to 4 pages]

Important Dates
   Submission: May 31, 2024 (AoE) ***Extended***
   Notification: June 30, 2024
   Camera-ready: July 15, 2024
   Workshop: August 29, 2024

Special Issue
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their work to a Special Issue of the Big Data Research Journal, Elsevier (IF: 3.3).

Organizing Committee
   Nikos Bikakis, HMU & ATHENA Research Center, Greece
   Panos K. Chrysanthis, University of Pittsburgh, USA
   Guoliang Li, Tsinghua University, China
   George Papastefanatos, ATHENA Research Center, Greece
   Lingyun Yu, Xi’an Jiaotong–Liverpool University, China (General Chair)

Assist Prof Nikos Bikakis

ATHENA Research Center
Athens | Greece

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