[Infovis] DIAGRAMS 2024 | Call for Workshop Participation

DIAGRAMS CONFERENCE diagramspublicity at gmail.com
Fri May 3 15:33:40 CEST 2024

**** Diagrams 2024: Call for Workshop Participation ****

*14th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams*

*September 27 – October 1, 2024*

University of Münster, Germany


As part of the conference program Diagrams 2024 will host the workshops:

·      Peirce’s Philosophy of Notation
(Francesco Bellucci, Frederik Stjernfelt, and Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen)

·      Diagrams and Mathematical Practice
(Jean-Yves Beziau)

·      The Diagrammatic Turn in Quantum Physics
(Andrea Reichenberger)

Abstracts can be submitted directly to the workshop coordinators. See the
detailed description and CFP for each workshop at their individual web
pages or go to:


The Diagrams conference provides a united forum for all researchers with an
interest in the study of diagrams. The conference fosters
multi-disciplinarity and allows researchers from areas such as computer
science, mathematics, psychology, philosophy, history (of science, art,
etc.), education research, and more to meet and share their perspectives on
the theory and application of diagrams.

More information about the Diagrams 2024 conference can be found at:


*Publicity Chair, Diagrams Conference 2024*
Giulia Ferrari, PhD
Mathematics Education
University of Torino

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