[Infovis] Talent Hiring Round for Visual Analytics Product | Developers for GraphPolaris
Michael Behrisch
m.behrisch at uu.nl
Mon Oct 3 16:44:13 CEST 2022
Dear VIS community,
This mailing list is typically used for sharing academic updates and job
openings. In this post, however, it is all about giving a finishing
PhD., master student, or (in general) VIS-interested person the
opportunity to stay a valuable member in our community.
Please, help us to spread the word for finding a research
engineer/developer for our academic spin-off GraphPolaris
(www.graphpolaris.com). Also, if our core topic
(multivariate/multi-layer or knowledge graph analysis) sparks your
interest, I would be happy to discuss potential use-cases and/or
With best regards,
Michael Behrisch and Remco Chang
Dear all,
With this email, I would like to steer your attention to a unique job
opportunity and advertise a potentially interesting next step and career
entrance opportunity in the ‘GraphPolaris Developer Hiring Round 2022’.
Our academic spin-off GraphPolaris (www.graphpolaris.com
<http://www.graphpolaris.com>) is searching for *Front-end/Full-Stack
DEVELOPERs who strive with us to remove the frustration and uncertainty
of the analysis of complex network datasets*. We firmly believe that
data analysis processes should be (more) centered around the person who
does the analysis or makes the business decisions. A human-centered
approach will inevitably lead to more, better, and more sustainable
innovations in business and societal settings.
Shape Description automatically generated
*How and What:*In GraphPolaris, we combine the creativity and common
knowledge of the human with the number-crunching capabilities of the
machine and *make insights visible, explainable, and auditable through
visual interactive analysis interfaces*. Our main product, the Graph
Database Explorer, is the logical first manifestation of this credo: We
are building a visual graph analytics framework that focuses on easy,
explainable, and efficient access to (multivariate) graph databases with
better visualization support and a ready-to-use graph ML toolbox. Our
unique selling points are (1) a full-fledged, dedicated graph analysis
workflow that starts with questions around data quality and schema
consistency, evolves (2) around an intuitive query formulation in a
no-code visual query editor, and lets the user loop effortlessly through
query-refinement and interactive exploration of (3) better visualization
techniques than just node-link diagrams.
*Who we are:*GraphPolaris was founded by Dr. Michael Behrisch and Prof.
Remco Chang. Michael is a Professor for Visual Analytics at the Utrecht
University, driven by the motivation to bring good Visualization and
Visual Analytics research results into environments (business, public
sector, research) where they can make an impact. Michael is experienced
in managing and acquiring research projects and worked for six years as
a business analyst (startup & technical innovation research for Deutsche
Telekom). He coordinates the GraphPolaris team effort, market
assessment, outreach tasks, and manages tasks for knowledge transfer
activities. Remco Chang is a Professor for Visual Analytics at the Tufts
University in Medford, USA, whose research embodies the concept of
letting human analysts steer the processing power of the PC through
visual interactive interfaces to accomplish explainable, faithful, and
usable data analysis results. Remcohas a track record of various
high-profile international research grantsand gained startup experience
with the Kyrix visualization system in the team of Mike Stonebraker
(Touring award winner, Ingres/Postgres).
*Where we are: *We are in a seed stage of our startup life, have several
MVPs, and concluded a target customer/market analysis. We have received
the NWO Takeoff grant for feasibility and initial market studies, the
Google Startup Cloud Grant for hosting and operational expenses, and now
proudly received the NWO Demonstrator grant for proving Product-Market-Fit.
*What we search for: *The task descriptions for this position are
manifold, but one requirement is foremost: *We are searching for someone
who can breath our vision and understands its impact.*
Consider applying if:
·… you have excellent *coding skills* /(must//-haves//: web//or//full
stack skills)/and love solving challenging and societally impactful
·… you have *(software) architecture skills* /(nice-to-haves:
understanding of Kubernetes and microservice patterns)/ to improve our
scalable infrastructure even further.
·… you areinterested in *visual data analytics***/(e.g., with mapbox,
deck.gl, pixi//.js, d3.js//)/to improve or design state-of-the-art
visual solutions and workflows.
·… you have worked with *graph databases* /(e.g., //with //Neo4j//’s
cypher//, Tigergraph//’s GSQL//, or SPARQL)/to store and retrieve
multivalue property graph data.
*What:*We are searching for full-time developers (1FTE, 38h/week),
part-time contracts with more than 20h/week can be requested. Typical
hiring conditions under CAO apply. Work will happen in a hybrid setting,
fully online is also possible.
*How:*Send a personal and engaging motivation letter. State your prior
experience, indicate your background and skills, and name potential
open-source projects that you have contributed to (and how).
*When:*Please send your application documents by 31.10.2022 to
info at graphpolaris.com <mailto:info at graphpolaris.com>. Also feel free to
get in touch with me (Michael Behrisch, m.behrisch at uu.nl
<mailto:m.behrisch at uu.nl>) personally in case of unclarities or questions.
Let’s change the world of graph analytics!
Dr. Michael Behrisch (http://michael.behrisch.info
Skype <skype:cojack20?call>Twitter
Dr. Michael Behrisch | Assistant Professor
m.behrisch at uu.nl <mailto:m.behrisch at uu.nl>
+31 (0)687 110577
Princetonplein 5 | 3584 CC Utrecht
http://michael.behrisch.info <http://michael.behrisch.info/>
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