[Infovis] VIS4DH CfP: VIS4DH 2022 – Multimodality

Abdul Rahman, Alfie alfie.abdulrahman at kcl.ac.uk
Mon May 9 19:07:32 CEST 2022

VIS4DH CfP: VIS4DH 2022 – Multimodality

The workshop will take place as part of the IEEE VIS conference (16–21 October 2022) in Oklahoma City, OK, USA in the form of a hybrid format, including virtual as well as in-person parts. In this year’s workshop we invite you to explore and discuss aspects of multimodality:

Human expression has myriad forms. Painting, reading & writing, music, crafts, dance, fashion, cooking, and other artistic or cultural efforts are more than just visual experiences—they incorporate hearing, touch, and even taste. This multimodality raises both reflective and creative questions about the role of visualization. What do we lose when we reduce these rich multisensory experiences, artifacts, or collections down to just the visual and textual content? How can we compensate for or offset these losses? How can we augment visualizations with other experiential modes, and can these augmentations improve the (embodied) experience accessibility, viscerality, or impact of our data? In other words, what does it mean to think beyond the visual when it comes to visualization in the humanities?

This year, you can contribute to VIS4DH 2022 in the following ways - you can submit to the Paper track<https://vis4dh.dbvis.de/cfp/#papers> (https://vis4dh.dbvis.de/cfp/#papers), the Provocations track<https://vis4dh.dbvis.de/cfp/#provocations> (https://vis4dh.dbvis.de/cfp/#provocations), or Lab talks<https://vis4dh.dbvis.de/cfp/#labs> (https://vis4dh.dbvis.de/cfp/#labs).

  *   Paper Track: We invite papers at the intersection of visualization and (digital) humanities that provide both theoretical and applied perspectives around these and other questions. Submissions will take the form of short papers. Papers should not exceed 5 pages excluding references. Submissions are meant to describe and critically discuss works at the intersection of visualization and humanities research, including applied case studies, empirical results and/or theoretical perspectives.
  *   Provocation Track: Submissions to the VIS4DH Provocations track will take the form of a paragraph articulating a strongly-held viewpoint that addresses a particular perspective on this year’s workshop topic, Multimodality. We especially seek submissions that likely will promote back-and-forth debate within the interdisciplinary VIS4DH community.

  *   Lab Talks: Since 2020, the VIS4DH workshop has included Lab Talks, a format where research groups working at the intersection of visualization and the digital humanities present their work or labs more generally in brief lightning talks. Additionally, groups can be listed in our VIS×DH overview: https://vis4dh.dbvis.de/labtalks

Our call for submissions is open to all fields of the (digital) humanities, social sciences and to all areas of visualization research and practice. The workshop is intended to put different ways of seeing, knowing, articulating, and transforming arguments into dialogue in order to foster and to intensify collaborations between humanities and visualization researchers. We are particularly interested in papers and provocations that bring different disciplines together.

Submission Deadlines
Paper Track: 8 July 2022, 5PM PST
Provocation Track: 29 August 2022, 5PM PST
Lab Talks: 29 August 2022, 5PM PST

We hope to see you at the conference!

VIS4DH programme committee
vis4dh at gmail.com<mailto:vis4dh at gmail.com>

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