[Infovis] BioVis Meetup #2: Visualisation of Spatial and Image Data, 22-Mar-2022-17:00 CET

Helena Jambor helena.jambor at tu-dresden.de
Tue Mar 22 08:49:19 CET 2022

TODAY Invitation to the March ‘22 BioVis meetup: Visualizing biological localizations - Spatial data in single cell & bioimage datasets.


Fabian Theis Squidpy - Spatial Single Cell Analysis and Visualisation. Fabian Theis is head of the Computational Health Center at Helmholtz Munich and the director of HelmholtzAI and Associate Faculty at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. He uses artificial intelligence to unlock the secrets of human cells. He uses single cell sequencing and spatial transcriptomics data to study how do cells interact and what goes wrong with diseases at the cellular level.

Heba Sailem: Visualisation of multiplexed and bioimaging data using ShapoGraphy. Heba Sailem is Sir Henry Wellcome Research Fellow at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Oxford. She pioneered the development and application of several computational approaches to interrogate complex imaging data by artificial intelligence and multi-omics data integration. Using these approaches, she studies how changes in tissue architecture modulate cell signalling and contribute to diseases.
BioVis meetup
Location: https://tu-dresden.zoom.us/j/86078643977?pwd=dFZiNEIzcWhNUVRDZmt1MVdpWFpjUT09
TUE, Mar 22nd [5pm CET, 4pm UK, 12am NY, 9AM SF]

The BioVis meetup is a new virtual seminar series organised by the BioVis network (http://biovis.net/) to complement the BioVis conferences at ISMB (July) and IEEE Vis (October). Why? We wanted to hang out more regularly with the BioVis community, with wet lab researchers, clinicians, bioinformaticians, visualisation researchers, designers, data scientists, all invested in biomedical data visualisation.
Updatesa are posted on http://biovis.net/2022/meetup/ and mailing lists. Sign up to BioVis-Meetup at groups.tu-dresden.de<mailto:BioVis-Meetup at groups.tu-dresden.de> (email subject 'subscribe' to BioVis-Meetup-request at groups.tu-dresden.de<mailto:BioVis-Meetup-request at groups.tu-dresden.de>)

Best wishes,
Helena Jambor and Heba Sailem

Dr Helena JAMBOR

Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus an der Technischen Universität Dresden
Fetscherstraße 74, 01307 Dresden

Tel +49 (0)351 458 - 11780
Email helena.jambor at tu-dresden.de<mailto:helena.jambor at tu-dresden.de>
Twitter @helenajambor

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