[Infovis] Associate Lecturer in Interactive Media (University of York)

Jonathan Hook jonathan.hook at york.ac.uk
Wed May 9 16:26:50 CEST 2018

Associate Lecturer in Interactive Media (University of York)

Salary Range: £31,604 - £38,832 a year
Apply by: 08/06/2018

https://jobs.york.ac.uk/wd/plsql/wd_portal.show_job?p_web_site_id=3885&p_web_page_id=348355 <https://jobs.york.ac.uk/wd/plsql/wd_portal.show_job?p_web_site_id=3885&p_web_page_id=348355> 

We invite applications for the position of Associate Lecturer in Interactive Media to contribute to the University of York’s BSc in Interactive Media programme. Launched in September 2014, this interdisciplinary BSc programme achieved an overall satisfaction score of 95% in the 2017 National Student Survey, and was in the top 5 for 6 measures in its subject area. Within the Russell Group, the BSc in Interactive Media programme scored the highest for 6 measures in its subject area. 

This position will commence mid-September 2018 and will be available as a full time appointment for a period of 9 months. 

The successful candidate will lead and teach on existing modules covering introductory software development in Processing (Java) and the interactive media software development process (e.g. system design, user experience, prototyping and project management). Depending on your experience, you will also contribute to teaching software development for games and virtual environments or media asset creation (e.g. the editing of images, videos, audio and 3D models). You will complement the dynamic interdisciplinary teaching team of the BSc Interactive Media programme that spans programming, design, media production and humanities, and work with motivated and highly creative students in a rewarding and productive Interactive Media community.

We seek applicants with a postgraduate degree, ideally a PhD but at least a Masters degree in a relevant subject (e.g. Computer Science, HCI or Games Design and Development) and with experience of teaching at HE level. The applicant must have essential knowledge of object oriented programming, especially Java and Unity (C#), key software development methodologies and lifecycles, and software project phases. The applicant must also have the skills to design, manage and deliver their own teaching, carry out assessment duties, engage with a wide ranging audience, as well as supervise student work. With respect to personal attributes, the applicant must demonstrate attention to detail and commitment high-quality work, a collaborative ethos, a positive attitude to colleagues and students, willingness to work proactively and ability to plan and prioritise their own work.

The role will be held within the University’s interdisciplinary Department of Theatre, Film and Television (TFTV). TFTV was established in 2006, and is a highly innovative department which brings together research, teaching and commercial activities in the fields of interactive media, film, television and theatre. In September 2010, we moved into a £30m purpose-designed building with superb facilities for both production activities and academic study. In 2015, the department together with Computer Science started leading the Digital Creativity Labs, a newly funded £18m flagship project of the UK Government’s Digital Economy programme.

Please direct informal enquiries to the BSc in Interactive Media Programme Leader, Dr Jenna Ng (telephone: 01904 325277; e-mail: jenna.ng at york.ac.uk).

Jonathan Hook
Lecturer in Interactive Media
Department of Theatre, Film and Television
University of York, Baird Lane, YO10 5GB
+44 (0)1904 325238
www.jonhook.co.uk <http://www.jonhook.co.uk/>

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