[Infovis] [EuroVA2018] Second CFP: EuroVA 2018 - EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics
Organizers EuroVA
organizers at eurova.org
Fri Feb 16 17:49:51 CET 2018
EuroVA 2018 Workshop
EuroVA 2018 is the ninth international EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics.
It will take place as a *one-day workshop* on Monday, June 4, 2018 in Brno,
Czech Republic.
Visual Analytics is a problem-solving and sense-making technology that
integrates analytical computations, visual representations, and
interaction. It includes the analysis of complex (massive, dynamic,
ambiguous, conflicting, …) data and information for gaining understanding,
building knowledge, and inferring insight. Visual Analytics aims at a
synergistic collaboration of humans and computers mediated through
interactive visual interfaces. As such, Visual Analytics is an
interdisciplinary field of research, including aspects of visualization,
human-computer interaction, statistics and mathematics, data management and
knowledge representation, data analysis and machine learning, cognitive and
perceptual sciences, and more.
EuroVA 2018 is the best place to present and discuss ideas of new methods
and theories, interesting applications, designs, and studies of the use of
Visual Analytics methods and systems. The workshop will accept a range of
paper types, including technique, system, application, evaluation and
theory papers in the area of Visual Analytics.
Keynote Speakers
We are pleased to announce that our distinguished guests Dr. Gennady
Andrienko and Dr. Natalia Andrienko will be giving this year’s EuroVA
keynote. Gennady and Natalia will be talking about “Sports Visual
Gennady and Natalia are lead scientists responsible for the visual
analytics research at Fraunhofer IAIS and full professors (part-time) at
City University London. They co-authored monographs “Exploratory Analysis
of Spatial and Temporal Data” (Springer, 2006) and “Visual Analytics of
Movement” (Springer, 2013), more than 80 peer-reviewed journal papers, 25
book chapters, and about 100 conference papers.
Call for Submissions
The workshop seeks to attract innovative, fresh and creative ideas with a
high potential of becoming significant contributions to the Visual
Analytics community. We welcome
research papers that introduce new Visual Analytics concepts, methods, or
application papers that describe success stories of Visual Analytics in
practice, and
position papers expressing novel and potentially controversial viewpoints
on Visual Analytics.
The workshop covers a broad range of topics in the area of Visual Analytics:
Visual representations of complex data
Interaction techniques for data analysis
Computational methods to support analysis tasks
Theoretical foundations of Visual Analytics
Cognitive and perceptual aspects
Infrastructures and architectures for Visual Analytics
Data management, data provenance, and data uncertainty
Evaluation of Visual Analytics
Visual Analytics applications
Hot Topics
We especially encourage submissions reporting late-breaking results in the
upstream topics:
Sports Visual Analytics
Progressive Visual Analytics
Immersive Visual Analytics
Big Data Analytics
Visual Analytics and deep learning
Decision making and analytical workflows using Visual Analytics
Visual Analytics of streaming data
Important Dates
Submission: February 23, 2018
Notification: March 23, 2018
Camera-ready: April 20, 2018
Workshop: June 4, 2018 (New this year: EuroVA will be only on Monday!)
Submission Guidelines
Papers, 4 pages in length + 1 extra page for references (maximum) must be
prepared using the EuroVA LaTeX template, which can be downloaded here:
Papers are to be submitted via the new PCS at:
At least one author of an accepted paper must register and participate in
the workshop to present the accepted work.
The EuroVA 2018 Workshop Proceedings will be published by the Eurographics
Association <https://www.eg.org/>, and be stored on the Eurographics
Digital Library <https://diglib.eg.org/handle/10.2312/982>.
OrganizersProgram chairs
Christian Tominski, University of Rostock
Tatiana von Landesberger, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Publicity chair
Michael Behrisch, Harvard University
News: http://www.eurova.org/
EuroVA 2018: http://www.eurova.org/eurova-2018
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