[Infovis] Cfp: VIS'18 Workshop on Toward a Design Language for Data Physicalization (Berlin/Germany)

Trevor Hogan Trevor.Hogan at cit.ie
Wed Apr 25 12:18:31 CEST 2018

IEEE VIS 2018 Workshop: Toward a Design Language for Data Physicalization


Date and Location: October 21 or 22, 2018 in Berlin, Germany

Website: http://dataphys.org/workshops/vis18/

Data physicalization is the practice of designing physical artifacts “whose geometry or material properties encode data”. It has a wide range of application areas including, design, architecture, education, and personal analytics (see www.dataphys.org<http://www.dataphys.org>/ for a comprehensive list). However, despite of the large variety of case studies in this area, a principled way of encoding data into physical artifacts has yet to be established. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from different research communities (in particular visualization, HCI, and design) to discuss approaches toward a unified design language for data physicalization.

Through a series of invited talks, alternating with small-group activity-based discussions, the workshop will start to consolidate different efforts of characterizing and evaluating the core properties or “variables” that drive data physicalization, and to define a research agenda in this area.

We aim for this workshop to invite a diverse audience from all fields of professional practice, research, and education from the fields of information design, visualization, and human data interaction.

Workshop submissions may approach the topic of physicalization design practices from a theoretical, practical, and/or empirical perspective. Topics include but are not limited to:

  *   Design space of data physicalization
  *   Data physicalization as a design practice
  *   Design patterns of data physicalization
  *   Systematic approaches to translating visual variables into physical data encodings
  *   Studies of physical properties from a perceptual perspective
  *   Teaching data mappings through physicalization in a systematic way
  *   Considering material choices
  *   Fabrication for physicalization (digital, manual, mixed)
  *   The influence of physical environment, usage scenarios, and interaction models on physicalization design and physical encodings
  *   Physical encodings in the context of data / visualization literacy

In general, we very much welcome provocative works on the topic as well as works in progress. Works may build on previously published work, but should contribute a new perspective on the topic.

All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two researchers in the area. Accepted works will be made available on the workshop website and included on the IEEE VIS USB key.

Accepted papers will be given an oral presentation slot at the workshop. At least one author of each accepted paper needs to register for the conference (even if only for the workshop). Registration information will be available on the IEEE VIS website<http://ieeevis.org/year/2018/welcome>

Submissions should follow one of the following formats:

Paper: Paper submissions may include position papers, empirical, or theoretical discussions considering systematic approaches toward Data Physicalization. Paper submissions should not exceed 4 pages, including references in the IEEE VIS paper format.

Pictorials/Artifacts: As an alternative to papers, we invite submissions that are more practice-based. These may follow different formats, including a mixture of text and sequential visuals, comic strips, videos, or physical artefacts. Pictorial/Artifact submissions should be limited to 1000 words and 10 pages; videos should not exceed 5 minutes.

Pictorial/Artifact submissions should include reflections on the physical mapping, the design, creation, and the production process of existing physicalizations. We invite pictorial/artifact submissions to reflect in particular on the following questions:

  *   Reflecting on your physical mapping process, how did you come up with the physical encoding of the data your physicalization is based on? How did you navigate the space of different possible physical encodings and materials?
  *   How, do you think, these choices influence the experience of and (if applicable) the interaction with the physicalization.

Authors may consider the DIS pictorial format (http://dis2018.org/submi/pictorials.html) as an orientation.

All works should be submitted via: dataphysvis18 at gmail.com


  *   July 4, 2018        Submission Deadline
  *   July 25, 2018        Reviews Submitted
  *   August 3, 2018    Author Notification
  *   August 17, 2018    Camera Ready Deadline

Trevor Hogan, Cork Institute of Technology
Uta Hinrichs, University of St Andrews
Jason Alexander, Lancaster University
Samuel Huron, Mines-Telecom ParisTech
Sheelagh Carpendale, University of Calgary
Eva Hornecker, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Petra Isenberg, INRIA
Yvonne Jansen, University Pierre et Marie Curie
Andrew Vande Moore, KU Leuven
Ian Gwilt, University of South Australia
Lora Oehlberg, University of Calgary
Pauline Gourlet, University Paris 8
Fanny Chevalier, University of Toronto
Tiffany Wun, University of Calgary

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