[Infovis] Early Bird Registration for VIS 2016 is Friday, September 9, 2016 (Today)

Jian Chen jichen at umbc.edu
Fri Sep 9 18:17:55 CEST 2016

http://ieeevis.org/ <http://ieeevis.org/>
October 23 - 28, 2016
Baltimore, Maryland, USA

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This is a letter from the VIS 2016 GCs. The summary includes four topics:

1. Early bird registration (Deadline: September 9, 2016)  http://ieeevis.org/year/2016/info/registration/conference-registration <http://ieeevis.org/year/2016/info/registration/conference-registration>
2. Job Fair related events at VIS 2016
3. Ricardo Hausmann and Jean Luc Doumont will be keynote and capstone speakers for VIS 2016
4. The full program is available online.  http://ieeevis.org/year/2016/info/overview-amp-topics/week-glance <http://ieeevis.org/year/2016/info/overview-amp-topics/week-glance>


This is a gentle reminder from the VIS 2016 General Chairs that the deadline for Early Bird registration for VIS 2016 is Friday, September 9, 2016

(http://ieeevis.org/year/2016/info/registration/conference-registration <http://ieeevis.org/year/2016/info/registration/conference-registration>).

As you know, IEEE VIS includes programs for students, academics, artists, industry and commercial practitioners, government researchers, and anyone with interests in visualization and data analytics.  VIS 2016 is the community conference for our field, a time for us all to share our latest work, confer over the latest developments, and drawing about 1,000 participants from dozens of countries to a week of research presentations, tutorials, workshops, panels, demonstrations, posters, and exhibitions.

This year we are excited to share some important adjustments that we are making to the meeting.  The week will include multiple events that comprise a job fair.

1. The primary focus of the exhibition is not a trade show, but rather a venue where job candidates can circulate and representatives for employers can be found at known locations so that contact can be made.

2. Beyond a traditional job board, as part of the VIS Community program (formerly known as VIS Compass) VIS 2016 is adding a job poster venue during the regular poster sessions. Individuals can bring posters that showcase their research, their skills and capabilities, and their interests.  In contrast to academic posters which have one subject and multiple authors, a job poster is expected to have a single author and could cover multiple areas of expertise. Your poster should include a URL or QR code to your online resume or CV.  This is the converse of the exhibition; job seekers will be stationary, and employers can circulate. This session will be Wednesday afternoon before the banquet.

3. In addition to the exhibition, high-level supporters have a session, Tuesday, October 25, 4:15-5:55 PM, to present their technologies and research.

4. To facilitate connections between employers and job seekers, we are adding an additional request for information to the registration system.  If you are or will be on the job market soon, you can signify this when you register, and even upload a CV or resume. You must elect to share your information; we will not be volunteering attendee information to our supporters without permission. If you have a paper or poster, you should note the time and location in your information so that interested employers can visit your talk or poster. VIS 2016 will share this information with supporters at the gold level and above before the conference.

The job-related events are intended to be relatively early in the week so that hopeful candidates and eager employers have time to get connected as the week progresses.

This year we are excited to welcome Dr. Ricardo Hausmann of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government as our keynote speaker on Tuesday, October 25, and Dr. Jean Luc Doumont, author of Trees, Maps, and Theorems (Effective communication for rational minds) as our capstone speaker on Friday,  October 28. Throughout the week, the VIS 2016 Conference Committee has prepared an engaging technical program with symposia, workshops, panels, challenges, posters, and paper presentations. The full program for the week is now available online. Please find the VIS program at a glance: http://ieeevis.org/year/2016/info/overview-amp-topics/week-glance <http://ieeevis.org/year/2016/info/overview-amp-topics/week-glance>.

Don’t forget to register before this Friday ends. Join us and bring your imagination, your data, your problems, your solutions, your research, insights, experience, and enthusiasm.

Looking forward to seeing you in Baltimore!

— Terry Yoo, VIS 2016, GC
— Jesus Caban, VIS 2016, Vice-GC

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