[Infovis] Revised Call for Nominations - IEEE VGTC VPG Doctoral Dissertation Award
Wong, Pak C
Pak.Wong at pnnl.gov
Wed Jul 1 05:29:15 CEST 2015
IEEE VGTC VPG doctoral dissertation award
The IEEE VGTC VPG Doctoral Dissertation Award
DEADLINE: July 31, 2015
IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee (VGTC)<http://vgtc.org/> sponsors the annual Best Doctoral Dissertation Award program to recognize outstanding academic research and development in visualization and visual analytics. The dissertations must address a topic relevant to visualization or visual analytics. The competition will be administrated by the IEEE Visualization Pioneers Group (VPG)<http://vgtc.org/content/ieee-vgtc-visualization-pioneers-group> under the auspices of IEEE VGTC. The IEEE VGTC VIS Pioneers Group Doctoral Dissertation Award<http://vgtc.org/content/ieee-vgtc-vpg-doctoral-dissertation-award> is presented annually at the IEEE VPG Reception held at the IEEE VIS conference<http://ieeevis.org/>. Past recipients of the award are listed here<http://vgtc.org/content/ieee-vgtc-vpg-doctoral-dissertation-award-recipients>.
All English language dissertations that have been successfully defended between July 31 two years before the award and July 31 of the year of the competition are eligible (e.g. between July 31, 2013 and July 31, 2015 are eligible for the 2015 competition).
There is no limitation on the number of nominations that may be made by a university.
Nomination packets must be received by 5pm PDT on July 31, 2015.
Five IEEE VPG members will form a review committee to thoroughly review and assess the dissertation submissions. The committee will judge the dissertations based on their intellectual merit, technical depth, and presentation quality. The selection committee will recommend the winning dissertation to the IEEE VGTC chair by October 1, 2015.
The winner of the IEEE VGTC VIS Pioneers Group Doctoral Dissertation Award will receive not only a monetary prize of $500 provided by IEEE VGTC, but also a chance to describe the impact of the winning dissertation in an invited article that may be published in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (CG&A). Professor Jim Foley of Georgia Tech and the editor of the CG&A Dissertation Impact Department will make the final determination about whether the article will be published. The CG&A Dissertation Impact Department recognizes the best and brightest dissertation work nominated by different visualization, computer graphics, and virtual reality technical communities from around the world.
The student's advisor should email the nomination package to vpg_awards at vgtc.org<mailto:vpg_awards at vgtc.org>. The package must include:
1. A nomination letter written by the student's advisor, which includes:
* the name, email address, and phone number of the advisor,
* the name and email address of the candidate, and
* a one-page summary of the significance of the dissertation (references to papers should be provided on an extra sheet)
2. A copy of the dissertation.
Optional additional letters of recommendation can be attached to the submission.
For questions, contact vpg_awards at vgtc.org<mailto:vpg_awards at vgtc.org>.
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