[Infovis] giCentre - Research Associate : Visual Analytics

Dykes, Jason J.Dykes at city.ac.uk
Fri Apr 25 23:00:56 CEST 2014

The giCentre is recruiting a Research Associate to work on the EU funded Project VALCRI.

The project will use novel modes of interaction to develop visual analytics tools that support criminal intelligence analysts in making sense of the masses of data that they use to generate evidence.

We will be designing and building visualization tools to provide access to these data, detect patterns in them and support analysts in using them to develop arguments, threads of evidence and stories.

VALCRI is a collaboration between 18 partners across Europe, with coordination at Middlesex University. We will be working closely with Middlesex and the University of Konstanz in particular in developing the ‘Data Space’ and ‘Analysis Space’ representations through which analysts interact with data. One key theme here is that of ‘scenario reconstruction’ – means through which data are organised to recreate events.

This is a full-time post with a fixed-term until December 2017.

Further details about the position and the giCentre are online:

Please get in touch if you are interested and would like to discuss the position further - gicentre at soi.city.ac.uk

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