APOLOGIES FOR CROSS-POSTING **************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS -- Deadline extended! Many People, Many Eyes: Aggregating Influences of Visual Perception on User Interface Design A CHI 2013 workshop, with Keynote talk by Jeffrey Heer April 28, 2013, Paris, France in conjunction with CHI 2013 (chi2013.acm.org) Submission deadline: January 18, 2013 Website - http://seas.harvard.edu/~reinecke/manyeyes/ Email - manypeoplemanyeyes at gmail.com **************************************************** WORKSHOP OVERVIEW There are many differences in how we see the world. Native Welsh speakers, for example, lose their ability to differentiate between green and blue as they acquire the language (4-month old babies can visually differentiate, adults cannot). Colorblindness affects around 8% of men and 0.4% of women. Gender modulates which designs we perceive as appealing and trustworthy. North Americans are relatively better at ignoring the context surrounding a focal object, whereas East Asians perceive such contextual information first. These differences affect our perception of interface designs and other visualizations, yet two substantial questions remain: (1) How can we provide visual designs that are equally usable by everyone? (2) How can we create personalized designs that cater to an individual's perceptual abilities and preferences? GOALS This workshop is aimed at defining common ground between the different strands of visual perception research in order to promote synergy and a shared understanding of how people perceive today's designs, and how their perception might differ. To accomplish this, we will begin the process of combining the broad range of visual perception knowledge to create a holistic approach to understanding users' visual perception. The resulting combined pool of knowledge will be used to provide design guidelines for generating interfaces better suited to the individual visual perception abilities of the users. SUBMISSIONS Some of the areas that workshop participants may have experience with include the following: Factors that influence the visual perception of designs: - Visual impairments and its effect on design - Situational impairments (e.g., lighting conditions) - Influences of cultural exposure on perception - Elderly users and the effect of age on perception Effects of these factors on HCI: - Aesthetic preferences as a decisive factor for user engagement - Visual cues that lead to more trust - Usability issues arising because of visual perception difficulties Adapting to perception abilities and visual preferences: - Measuring and modeling perception abilities - Automatic adaptation of designs to perception abilities and/or visual preferences We invite technical contributions and position papers from anyone interested in how people differ in their perception of designs. Technical contributions should focus on the influence of one or more factors of visual perception, such as age, culture, gender, impairments, or other influences that change how humans perceive design. Position papers should focus on a discussion of possible interactions between different factors, and how user interfaces can cater for users' holistic visual perception. We also invite designers to show examples of their work and discuss where knowledge and improvement is needed. Papers should be 2-4 pages in length and submitted in the CHI extended abstracts format (http://chi2013.acm.org/authors/format/). Please submit papers to manypeoplemanyeyes at gmail.com. The deadline is January 11, 6pm EST. Papers will be peer-reviewed by the programming and organizing committee (see below) in order to select up to 20 participants according to relevance, quality of results, research diversity, and likelihood for stimulating and contributing to the discussion. If accepted, at least one author must register for the workshop and for one or more days of the conference. WORKSHOP CO-CHAIRS Katharina Reinecke, Harvard University David Flatla, University of Saskatchewan Erin Solovey, MIT Carl Gutwin, University of Saskatchewan Krzysztof Gajos, Harvard University Jeffrey Heer, Stanford PROGRAM COMMITTEE Mike Bennett, Boxfish.com, USA Remco Chang, Tufts University, USA Dianne Cyr, Simon Fraser University, Canada Indrani Medhi, Microsoft Research, India Ruth Rosenholtz, MIT, USA Christian Sturm, Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany Noam Tractinsky, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel Alexandre Tuch, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
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