Postdoctoral Fellowship in Social Data Visualization, Personal Visual Analytics, and/or Visualization on Large Displays =========================================== The Innovations in Visualization (InnoVis) Research Group at the University of Calgary is inviting applications for a post-doctoral fellowship. The successful candidate will work closely with Dr. Sheelagh Carpendale and other faculty and researchers in the Visual and Interactive Research Group. The required background includes a PhD in Computer Science (or its equivalent). A research focus of information visualization, visual analytics, graphics and/or human computer interaction are preferred. Good programming skills and experience in empirical research, either quantitative or qualitative are considered assets. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop their research skills in all aspects including innovation, realization, evaluation, publication, and presentation. Ideal candidates will have a proven track record that demonstrates high-quality independent research. Of particular interest are candidates with interests in collaborative information visualization, social visualization, personal visual analytics, and visualization on large displays. The position will be located in the Interactions Laboratory, a rich community of students, researchers and faculty that specialize in many aspects of Information Visualization and Human Computer Interaction. An immediate start date is preferable but negotiable since the candidate's PhD must have been successfully defended. The appointments of one or two years duration are possible. For further information contact Sheelagh Carpendalesheelagh at <mailto:sheelagh at>
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