[Infovis] CfP: IVI Special Issue on Visualization Evaluation

Petra Isenberg petra.isenberg at inria.fr
Tue Dec 4 10:02:45 CET 2012

**Visualization Evaluation**
*A Special Issue of Information Visualization,*

Guest Editors: Enrico Bertini, Petra Isenberg, Tobias Isenberg, Heidi 
Lam, Adam Perer.

Visualization has recently gained much relevance for its ability to cope 
with complex data analysis and communication. Thanks to its ability to 
convey complex concepts in an efficient manner it has been adopted in 
many contexts; from scientific laboratories to newspapers.

While the overall use of visualization is accelerating, the growth of 
techniques for the evaluation of these systems has been slow. How do we 
measure the quality of a visualization? How do we decide on competing 
designs? How do we know whether a visualization meets its goal? These 
are only some of the questions researchers and practitioners are 
confronted with when designing visualization systems.

To understand how, when and why visualization works, evaluation efforts 
should be targeted at the component level, the system level, and the 
work environment level. The commonly used evaluation metrics such as 
task time completion and number of errors, when used in isolation, 
appear to be insufficient to quantify the complex quality and usage of a 
visualization system, therefore new metrics and methods to better 
evaluate visualizations are needed.

This special issue calls for innovative ideas about how to evaluate 
visualization and reflections about its state of the art. We call for 
papers dealing with evaluation in the fields of scientific 
visualization, information visualization, and visual analytics. We 
explicitly discourage submissions describing exclusively the process and 
outcome of a given evaluation unless the methodology itself is innovative.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  * Evaluation in the visualization development lifecycle
  * Utility characterization
  * Evaluation metrics
  * Insight characterization
  * Synthetic data sets and benchmarks
  * Taxonomy of tasks
  * Computational evaluation
  * Benchmark development and repositories
  * Methods for longitudinal studies and adoption
  * Evaluation of early prototypes
  * Evaluation heuristics and guidelines
  * Evaluation of storytelling visualization
  * Evaluation of visualization as art

Paper Submission

Submissions due: Feb 8, 2013
Acceptance notices: Apr 15, 2013
Final revisions due: May 13,  2013
Publication: late 2013

Inquiries should be made to the guest editors by sending an email to 
chairs at beliv.orgElectronic submissions of manuscripts in PDF should be 
made using the online submission system and the papers should be 
formatted according to the journal standards. For details on the 
submission process, please visit the Journal's instruction website at: 

Petra Isenberg, PhD
Research Scientist
AVIZ group | INRIA Saclay Île-de-France
phone: +33 16 91 54 249 |http://www.aviz.fr/~isenberg/  

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