The AVIZ Team ( at INRIA ( - a leading French National Research Center in Computer Science - is seeking for a highly motivated engineer for 12 months starting immediately to work on a new generation Toolkit for Information Visualization. AVIZ wants to facilitate the development and adoption of Information Visualization in the industry by providing an open-source industry-strength toolkit built from its experience in research and applications. The required skills are: - expert in middle-ware and n-tiers technologies (e.g. REST) - knowledgeable of Web-based software engineering methods (agile programming, component-based systems) - familiar with Web-based technologies (javascript, HTML5, jquery, the canvas, WebML) - familiar with research to collaborate tightly with researchers - knowledgeable in HCI and Visualization, at least in term of design patterns and programming paradigms. Salaries varies depending on the experience, from 2000€ to 2800€ per month. Please, send a CV and motivation letter to: Jean-Daniel Fekete (Jean-Daniel.Fekete at -- Jean-Daniel Fekete Jean-Daniel.Fekete at AVIZ Team Leader, INRIA INRIA Saclay - Île-de-France Bat 490, Université Paris-Sud tel: +33 1 69156494 F91405 ORSAY Cedex, France fax: +33 1 69154240
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