Apologies for cross-postings. Pourang ------------------------------------------------- Post-doc and PhD positions in Canada in Information Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction The HCI labs at the University of Manitoba (in Winnipeg) and ETS (in Montreal) have open positions for 1-2 post-docs and 2-3 PhD students to work on interactive information visualizations for spatio-temporal data. Themes of the project include spatio-temporal queries, visual analytics, natural and multi-touch interaction in analytics, collaboration, and annotation. The candidate will work collaboratively with graduate and undergraduate students, and will also collaborate with faculty members in different disciplines. Industrial partners will be involved and the candidate may potentially be traveling within Canada. For more information, contact Pourang Irani (irani at cs.umanitoba.ca) or Michael McGuffin (michael.mcguffin at etsmtl.ca).
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