Seeking a Post-doctoral Researcher and Scientist The FODAVA (Foundations of Data Analysis and Visual Analytics) Center at Georgia Tech is seeking a post-doctoral researcher to join the research team. Enormous amounts of data are being generated every day in health care, computational biology, homeland security, commerce, and many other areas. Analyzing these massive and complex data sets is essential to achieve new discoveries, but is extremely difficult. An emerging research field known as data and visual analytics is concerned with synthesizing information and deriving insight from massive, dynamic, ambiguous and possibly conflicting digital data for increased understanding and effective decision making. The FODAVA research initiative is dedicated to both defining the foundations of the data and visual analytics fields and advancing the state-of-the-art. Established in 2008, the FODAVA initiative is a collaborative effort funded jointly by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). For further information about the Center, please see We are seeking a post-doctoral scientist to collaborate with researchers from a variety of disciplines including computer science, mathematics, industrial and system engineering, and others. We hope that the successful individual in this role will be able to assist ongoing research projects as well as to initiate new projects. Georgia Tech faculty are dedicated to working with the successful applicant in mentoring and career growth. Qualified applicants should have a recently-earned PhD in a related discipline. Students completing their dissertation in the next few months also are eligible for the position. To apply, please send a brief cover letter describing your background and interests, as well as a your current CV, to lometa at by July 31, 2009. Please direct any questions that you may have to that email address as well.
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