[Infovis] CFP: Workshop on Collaborative Information Visualization on InteractiveSurfaces - CIVIS'09

Petra Isenberg petra.isenberg at ucalgary.ca
Tue Nov 11 06:47:56 CET 2008

Workshop on Collaborative Information Visualization on Interactive 
Surfaces - CIVIS'09

February 8th, 2009, Sanibel Island, Florida

In conjunction with Intelligent User Interfaces conference (IUI2009):


Submission deadline: November 14th, 2008
Notification of acceptance: December 7th, 2008
Final camera ready submissions: December 14th, 2008
Workshop: February 8th, 2009


Prospective participants are invited to submit position papers of up
to four pages in length which outline one or more potential
topics/solutions to discuss during the workshop. Accepted Papers will
be published in the technical report series of LMU Media
Informatics. This means that they will receive an ISSN number.

Papers should be formatted according to the ACM IUI format:

Submissions should be sent to: Dominikus Baur:


The amount and complexity of data we collect has drastically increased
in the last number of years. As a result, a whole team of analysts is
often required to make informed decisions in information-rich
environments. Teams often gather formally or informally to discuss and
analyze data in face-to-face meetings in order to effectively evaluate
and interpret information. As such, the design of collaborative
interfaces for data analysis and visual analytics is an emerging area
in intelligent user interfaces. Interactive tabletops and display
walls lend themselves especially well to co-located collaboration. The
design of collaborative systems that offer computational support for
these types of analysis scenarios, however, poses new challenges for
tool designers, including:

* Design of information visualization or visual analytics interfaces and 
environments for co-located collaborative work,
* Design of visual representations for co-located collaborative work,
* The use of interactive tabletop and wall displays to visualize and 
interact with information,
* Social components in collaborative visualization environments,
* Aspects of cognition in multi-user information visualization 
* Evaluation of collaborative information visualization and visual 
analytics systems,
* Multiple and coordinated views for collaborative data analysis systems,
* Design of multi-display environments,
* Collaborative visualization applications,
* Experience with traditional collaboration in information intensive 

These are the key challenges we would like to discuss in this
workshop, although we welcome submissions in other related areas as


The main objective of the workshop is to bring people from academia
and industry with relevant backgrounds (e.g. information
visualization, visual analytics, CSCW, HCI) together to discuss
ongoing research work in the field of multi-user collaborative
visualization. This includes the analysis of problems encountered in
the field, the presentation of specific solutions, and the discussion
of special characteristics compared to the core research areas. The
workshop is intended to be a platform to exchange information and
experiences, to stimulate discussion, and to identify novel aspects
and ideas to the topics above. During this workshop, we would like to
identify a number of open problems that need further investigation and
identify priorities to target research in this direction.

We would like to put an emphasis on the following two (interrelated) 

* What are the existing challenges inherent in designing interfaces
  for visualizing, exploring, and analyzing data in a collaborative
* What unique challenges exist in building visualization systems for
  collaborative environments?

Dominikus Baur, University of Munich (Primary Contact)
Petra Isenberg, University of Calgary
Michael Sedlmair, BMW Group - Research and Technology
Andreas Butz, University of Munich

Stacey Scott, University of Waterloo
Anastasia Bezerianos, National ICT Australia (NICTA)
Nathalie Henry, Université Paris-Sud
Sheelagh Carpendale, University of Calgary
Michael Haller, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences
Johannes Schöning, University of Münster
Shahram Izadi, Microsoft Research
Raimund Dachselt, Otto-von-Guerike University


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:

For more information, please see the workshop web site:

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