LAST CALL Deadline JULY 11 (no extension possible) ------------------------------------------------ Visual Analytics Challenge ------------------------------------------------ a submission category of the IEEE Symposium on VISUAL ANALYTICS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2008 If you can do JUST ONE of those tasks: - Analyze social network graphs or - Analyze the changes editors make to a wiki page, or - Analyze boat sightings on the ocean, or - Analyze building evacuation patterns THEN you can submit a mini-challenge entry for any of those tasks. If you can - Put all that data together and analyze the overall situation THEN you can submit to the grand challenge * The most deserving entries will have their two-page summary PUBLISHED in the PROCEEDINGS of the VAST 2008 symposium and may participate in a panel at the conference. * ALL submitted entries will have their two-page summary PUBLISHED on an archival website at NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology), along with other entry materials * Teams who submit an entry will be invited to a special CLOSED session during VisWeek 08 to discuss the results of the challenge, compare their experience, and influence next year's challenge. --- VAST 2008 Challenge Chairs --- Georges Grinstein, University of Massachusetts Lowell Catherine Plaisant, University of Maryland Jean Scholtz, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Questions: challengecommittee at
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