[Infovis] Post-doc position at INRIA, France in Visual Analytics

Jean-Daniel Fekete Jean-Daniel.Fekete at inria.fr
Tue Sep 4 10:12:46 CEST 2007

  Information Visualization Post-Doc Position at INRIA, Paris, France

      Sep, 3 2007


The Research Group AVIZ, part of INRIA Futurs 
<http://www.futurs.inria.fr/>, is seeking 1-2 highly motivated 
individuals for research projects in the field of Information 
Visualization, Visual Analytics and Business Intelligence in 
collaboration with the French Electricity Supplier EDF 
<http://www.edf.fr/>, Université Paris-Dauphine 
<http://www.ceremade.dauphine.fr/> and LIMSI <http://www.limsi.fr>.

Post-Doc positions are currently available for 6-7 months starting in 
October 2007. Required skills include good Java programming and 
experience with Information Visualization.

The goal of the project is to build a visual programming environment for 
Visual Analytics and populate it with components for:

    * Data storage and retrieval;
    * Visualization and interaction;
    * Analysis (language processing, classification).

Our current prototype is implemented in Java using the open source 
projects JBeanStudio <http://jbeanstudio.sourceforge.net/>, the InfoVis 
Toolkit <http://ivtk.sourceforge.net> and Weka 

Send a cover letter and CV to Jean-Daniel Fekete 
(Jean-Daniel.Fekete at inria.fr <mailto:Jean-Daniel.Fekete at inria.fr> 
www.lri.fr/~fekete <http://www.lri.fr/%7Efekete>), Scientific Leader of 
the AVIZ Team and Senior Researcher at INRIA.
Speaking French is not required: AVIZ is an international laboratory.


INRIA <http://www.inria.fr/> is a leading French Research Center in 
Computer Science. The AVIZ Team is among the best ranked French research 
groups in the field of Information Visualization. It is located in the 
University of Paris-South <http://www.u-psud.fr/anglais.nsf/index.htm>.

 Jean-Daniel Fekete      Jean-Daniel.Fekete at inria.fr
 INRIA Futurs, LRI               tel: +33 1 69156494
 Bat 490, Université Paris-Sud   fax: +33 1 69154240
 F91405 ORSAY Cedex, France       www.lri.fr/~fekete

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