[Infovis] Call for Participation: Socially Induced Web Navigation Survey (IRB study #07-12006)

Justin Donaldson jjdonald at indiana.edu
Wed Nov 14 17:42:15 CET 2007

Please support the GiveALink project ( http://givealink.org/) by
participating in a brief online user study that will help us develop
improved interfaces for Web search and navigation. The study is
completely anonymous and will take at most thirty minutes of your
time --- but you can help a lot even in a few minutes.

Socially Induced Web Navigation Survey (IRB study #07-12006)

We invite volunteers to participate in an experiment to evaluate
Web exploration methods. Volunteers will use any computer to browse
through a number of Web pages on predefined topics, using particular
interfaces in an open-ended manner, and providing feedback on
information they find.

*If you wish to participate in this study, please visit the
experiment page by clicking on the link below, where you
will find an informed consent form:*

   (or http://tinyurl.com/346grk )

Thank you in advance for your participation and support!

Justin Donaldson (PI), Dept. of Informatics, Indiana University
Ben Markines (Co-Investigator), Dept. of Computer Science, Indiana
Heather Roinestad (Co-Investigator), Dept. of Computer Science,
Indiana University
Mike Conover (Co-Investigator), Dept. of Informatics, Indiana University
Filippo Menczer (Sponsor), School of Informatics, Indiana University

PS: *Please feel free to forward
this invitation to any other list or person who may be interested in
the experiment.*

Justin Donaldson
PhD Candidate, Informatics
Indiana University
Department of Human Computer Interaction
Eigenmann Hall
1900 E.10th Street, Room 931
Bloomington, IN 47406

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