VAST 2007 CONTEST Visual Analytics Contest The contest is a submission category of the IEEE Symposium on VISUAL ANALYTICS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2007 --- VAST 2007 Contest --- The purpose of the CONTEST is to promote the development of benchmarks for visual analytics and establish a forum to advance evaluation methods. The dataset consists mostly of news stories, along with some multimedia materials and background information. The goal is to determine if inappropriate activities are taking place and to provide evidence based hypotheses and conclusions. Participants have several months to prepare their submissions. Selected entries present at the conference. --- What's different this year? --- The general format of the event remains the same as the 200 contest but this year we also provide a pre-processed version of the dataset (e.g. with entities already extracted) so that more teams can participate. Your team will need to decide whether to enter the contest using the preprocessed data or the raw data. --- Important dates --- March 1st Release of 2007 dataset >>> but you can prepare now with the 2006 data set July 13th Deadline for submission Mid August Acceptance notification Oct 27/Nov 1 IEEE VAST 2007 Symposium in Sacramento, CA --- Contest Chairs --- Georges Grinstein, University of Massachusetts Lowell Catherine Plaisant, University of Maryland Jean Scholtz, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory --- Contest webpage: ---
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