[Infovis] Post-doc job offer at INRIA / Bordeaux, France

Guy Melançon Guy.Melancon at lirmm.fr
Fri Jul 21 12:39:14 CEST 2006

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INRIA, the national institute for research in 
computer science and control, operating under the 
dual authority of the Ministry of Research and the Ministry of Industry,
is dedicated to fundamental and applied research 
in information and communication science and technology (ICST).

INRIA is offering a 1 year post-doc position in 
Bordeaux, France in the area of "Interactive and 
Visual Graph Mining". You can find more 
information on INRIA's web site www.inria.fr 
(follow the link Work & Training or go directly to the URL
www-futurs.inria.fr/emplois/fiches_post_doc/Fiche_Melancon_Ang.html ).

Post-doc job offer art INRIA / Bordeaux, France

Interactive and Visual Graph Mining. Applications 
to strategic and competitive watch, and to social network analysis.

By nature, strategic watch as well as social 
network analysis (in a wider sense) mix data from 
various sources. The goal is then to be able to 
discern relevant signals in massive information 
in order to anticipate tendencies or events that 
can be critical to organizations. In these 
contexts, interactive and visual graph mining is 
a fruitful approach requiring the development of 
techniques astutely combining dynamic graphical 
representations with interactive mining.

The project will evolve in collaboration with the 
members of the “Visualization of Massive Data” 
research theme of the MABioVis team at LaBRI 
(Université Bordeaux I). Its focus will primarily 
be the study of social networks (close to the 
on-going ANR project SPANGEO – SPAtial Network in 
GEOgraphy) and strategic watch (ANR RNTL grant 
proposal). Other application domains include 
biology and bio-informatics, where various data 
sources are combined (proteomics, clinical data, 
bibliographical data) in order to help biologists 
gain perspective and iteratively refine their research strategies.

Mining large and complex graphs to identify 
sub-communities requires developing ideas 
emerging from graphical statistics, combinatorial 
analysis (graphs), classification and clustering, 
often with the necessity to integrate specific 
domain knowledge. Interacting on graphical 
representations (and on the underlying data), and 
visually detecting structural patterns provide 
insights that sometimes cannot be captured by 
classical statistical analysis. When dealing with 
dynamic data, visually identified components or 
specific data elements can be put under 
surveillance to follow their evolution and help 
diagnose or decide of actions to take.

The Bordeaux team develops a software framework 
(Tulip www.tulip-software.org) for the 
visualization and manipulation of graphs, capable 
of dealing with large graphs, and targeted at 
computing and navigating graph hierarchies.

Required skills

Skills are required in visual mining (graphical 
representations and interaction), but also in 
combinatorics and/or statistics (with an emphasis 
on clustering/classification). The candidate must 
hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science and have clearly 
shown her/his abilities to conduct research at an international level.

Techniques developed within the team are 
naturally experimented with Tulip before going 
into future releases. We seek persons having 
programming experience, to compute and/or 
experiment with graphs, and also to acquire and/or extract data.

For more information, contact:

GUY MELANÇON (Guy.Melancon at lirmm.fr) Tél. +33 467 41 85 43

MAYLIS DELEST (Maylis.Delest at labri.fr) Tél. +33 540 00 60 82

LaBRI UMR 5800 (Université Bordeaux I) www.labri.fr

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