[Infovis] IEEE Visualization and IEEE Information Visualization News

Dr. David S. Ebert ebertd at ecn.purdue.edu
Thu Jan 12 17:11:18 CET 2006

** Paper Submission Date moved to March 31, 2006 **

I am pleased to announce the following great news: IEEE Computer
Society Publications has approved a 3 year trial of the IEEE
Visualization Conference and IEEE Information Visualization Symposium
proceedings appearing as an issue of IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), starting this year.  This
is a great opportunity for our community and also means more work for
authors and reviewers as papers can be accepted to Vis/Infovis/TVCG
pending minor revision and will undergo a very quick revision and
review cycle to ensure they are acceptable for publication and
presentation. We appreciate the additional work that both authors and
reviewers will commit to in order to make this venture a success.

To enable the two part submission process and ensure the
journal quality of the review, revision, and publication process, the
submission date for papers to both IEEE Visualization and IEEE
Symp. on Information Visualization is now March 31.

I want to thank the IEEE TVCG Editorial and Advisory Board, the TVCG
Associate Editors in Chief, the IEEE VGTC, the Infovis and Vis
Conference Steering committees, and the IEEE CS Publications board and
staff for their hard work, useful discussions, and valuable input in
finalizing this process.


David S. Ebert
IEEE TVCG Editor in Chief

- Dr. David S. Ebert, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering ----
- Purdue University; 465 Northwestern Ave., West Lafayette, IN 47907 ---
-------- ebertd at purdue.edu or http://www.ece.purdue.edu/~ebertd --------

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